Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Minimum 7 players
(1 moderator, 4 innocents, 1 seer, 1 Renaissance Werewolf)
8 players
(1 moderator, 4 innocents, 1 seer, 1 doctor, 1 Renaissance Werewolf)
9 players
(1 moderator, 4 innocents, 1 seer, 1 doctor, 1 heckling ghost, 1 Renaissance Werewolf)
10 -25 players
(1 moderator, 4-19 innocents, 1 seer, 1 doctor, 1 heckling ghost, 1 zombie, 1 Renaissance Werewolf)
Decide who will be the moderator. The moderator is a nonplayer character who will be in charge of making sure everyone follows the rules. If you can't decide who the moderator should be, then whoever is the hairiest should be the moderator.
The moderator will need a pen and a piece of paper.
Everyone besides the moderator will receive a character card. Players will take turns saying their names, reading out their job titles, trying to accurately describe what the job description for that job title would be, and saying what the quirk on the card is. You are citizens of a fictional Renaissance kingdom called Wilsonia.
After each player takes a turn to do the above, the moderator will need to make a note of what each player's quirk is, and if they described their job accurately or not. The moderator should check the "Job Descriptions" section if they are uncertain.
If a player can accurately tell the moderator what someone with that Renaissance job title would have done for a living, they can receive immunity from being turned into a werewolf for the first round.
The moderator gets to decide if the definition is close enough. Players should accept their ruling.
After each player has read their card with the description of their quirk on it, the moderator will have written down what each player's quirk is so that they will know. if they're behaving out of character.
If a player is caught behaving out of character, the moderator can give them a curse. The moderator can choose any curse to give to a player they wish.
The curse card will replace their original quirk. The newly cursed player will read their curse out loud to the group.
If they get called out by the group for not abiding by the parameters of their curse, they will automatically die and be out of the game.
After everyone has character cards, they will learn their role--they will either be an innocent, an innocent with a special ability, or a Renaissance Werewolf.
There are 5 Types of Innocents:
Basic Innocent-no special ability
The Seer-can silently accuse one player per night of being a werewolf by pointing and receive confirmation from the moderator
The Doctor-can silently give immunity to one player each night to save them from the werewolves
The Zombie-After the zombie is killed, it gets to continue to play during the night phase to pass on the zombie curse to one player each round. Zombies can win if more people at the end of the game are zombies than werewolves or humans. Players will only be counted as zombies at the end of the game, if they have been killed by werewolves or humans. If they were given the zombie curse and not killed during the game, they remain counted as innocent human villagers.
The Heckling Ghost-If you are killed for being a werewolf, you may continue to speak, but only if it's to heckle the other players.
There are 2 types of Werewolves:
The Renaissance Werewolf-this werewolf can choose to turn a human or kill a human each night phase. As long as the Renaissance Werewolf has not been killed werewolves can choose to turn or kill each night.
Basic Werewolf-Werewolves can only be created while the Renaissance Werewolf is in play. If the Renaissance Werewolf is killed during the game, the basic werewolves can only kill innocents. Basic Werewolves cannot create more werewolves.
If you are an innocent, your job is to kill all the werewolves before they kill you.
Innocents win when they kill all the werewolves,
Werewolves win when they kill all the innocents.
Zombies win if more people die as zombies than as humans or werewolves.
During each night phase the moderator will make three laps around the group. During the first night phase, the Renaissance Werewolf may decide to kill an innocent or turn an innocent into a werewolf. They will indicate their choice by gesturing to another player and pointing a thumb to their chest if they want to turn that player into a werewolf or drawing their thumb across their neck if they want to kill that player. If a player has received immunity by correctly identifying their job description at the beginning of the game, they cannot be killed or turned in this round.
If the Renaissance werewolf has decided to turn someone into a werewolf, the moderator will discretely tap that person on the should as they make their laps.
If the Renaissance werewolf has decided to kill, the moderator will make that announcement at the beginning of the day phase.
During the following night phases, the Renaissance Werewolf (or werewolves) may kill or turn one Innocent of their choice. If their is more than one werewolf, they must agree on who to kill. To show they agree with the choice, they should nod their heads up and down. If all werewolves don't agree, they must choose another victim until they find one they can all agree to murder.
During the day phase, the innocent villagers try and suss out who the werewolves are. The werewolves will try to mislead them.
At the end of the day phase, villagers must vote to kill one person who they suspect to be a werewolf. The voting happens by show of hands. The majority of players must vote in favor of killing the accused.
If an accused person doesn't get more than half the votes in favor of killing, then the innocents must choose another person to accuse. If the villagers are having a difficult time deciding they may choose not to kill anyone, or the moderator can set a timer. Five minutes total for a daytime phase should be enough.
I'm going to start the game by giving everyone a character card.
Everyone introduce yourself by telling us your first name, what the job title is on your character card, and what you think the job of a person of your job title would be. These are all real, archaic jobs from the Renaissance period or older, if that helps.
If you are right, you will receive immunity from murder or being turned into a werewolf for the first round.
Also on your character card, is a description of your character's quirk. You will also need to read your quirk out loud to the players when it's your turn to reveal your character's job. It will then become your job to demonstrate this quirk throughout the game. if you don't, I will curse you. If you don't follow the parameters or your curse, you will die instantly and have to leave the game.
(Give out character cards and let players introduce themselves one-by-one and read their quirks. On a piece of paper, make notes of each player's quirk, and if they have received immunity by describing their job correctly. The players who did the correct description of their jobs will receive immunity in their first night phase. You can tell the players who did not correctly identify what their job description should be, what that job description really is as a teaching opportunity.)
Now I'm going to give you your role card. This will tell you if you're the Renaissance Werewolf or an Innocent. If you are an innocent, you may also be a seer, doctor, zombie, or heckling ghost. Keep your role a secret.
Night Phase 1:
Now we're going into the night phase. All players must close their eyes. Don't cheat. if you open your eyes before you're supposed to, you will die because I will kill you (metaphorically).
Renaissance Werewolf open your eyes. You may now choose one person to kill or turn into a werewolf. You cannot kill someone who has immunity. Indicate the person of your choice by pointing at them. Indicate if you plan to kill them by dragging your thumb across your throat, or indicate if you plan to turn them into werewolf by pointing your thumb at yourself.
I will make three laps around the table and if you feel a tap on your shoulder you have been turned into a werewolf.
Seer open your eyes, you will now be able to accuse one player of being the werewolf by pointing at them. I will confirm if you are correct by nodding my head up and down for yes, or side to side for no. Now seer close your eyes.
(If the doctor is in play:)
Doctor, open your eyes. You may give one player immunity to being turned into a werewolf by pointing at them. Now doctor, close your eyes.
A murder has been committed.
Someone has been turned into a werewolf.
Day 2:
The sun is rising on the village and you wake to find that ___________ has been murdered!
The sun is rising on the village and you wake to find that today is just another day in Wilsonia where someone among you has been turned into a werewolf.
_____________ you have been killed. unless you are the heckling ghost, you may no longer talk and are now only an observer. Villagers, Who do you think killed _______?
Some livestock have brutally murdered in the pasture at the border of Wilsonia. It indicates, their might be a werewolf or two in the village. It's not the first time something like this has happened in Wilsonia and it won't be the last unless you catch and kill the werewolf.
(If a time limit is needed:)
You have 5 minutes to decide who you think it might be. You have to have a majority vote to kill the suspected werewolf. If you haven't gotten a majority vote by the end of the 5 minutes, no one dies and the werewolves are free to hunt again.
The villagers have decided to kill _______ as a suspected werewolf.
________ please reveal your role card.
The villagers have decided not to kill anyone. Maybe it was just a regular wolf who killed all that cattle.
You have killed an innocent.
You have killed a werewolf.
Night Phase 2:
Night is falling again on the village. Everyone close your eyes. Werewolf or Werewolves open your eyes. you may now decide who to kill or turn.
I will be making a few laps around the table again, and if I tap you on the shoulder during this walk, know, you have been turned into a werewolf.
A decision has been made. Werewolves close your eyes.
If the Seer is in play, please open your eyes and point to who you think might be a werewolf. Then close your eyes.
If the Doctor is in play, please open your eyes and point to the player you wish to give immunity to. Then close your eyes.
(If anyone has been killed in a game with enough players for the zombie to be in play, say:)
If the person with the zombie card has been killed, please open your eyes and point to someone who you want to be a zombie. I will make a secret note of this player's name, so that if they are killed during the game, they will add to the zombie point total. If the person you have turned into a zombie, is also a werewolf, everyone they turn into a werewolf from here on out will turn into a zombie when they die, adding to the zombie point total at the end of the games. (pause whether or not the zombie has been activated in the game yet). Zombie close your eyes.
A murder has been committed.
Someone has been turned into a werewolf.
Day Phase 3:
The sun is rising on the village and you wake to find that ___________ has been murdered!
The sun is rising on the village and you wake to find that today is just another day in Wilsonia.
_____________ you have been killed. unless you are the heckling ghost, you may no longer talk and are now only an observer. Villagers, Who do you think killed _______?
More livestock have brutally murdered in the pasture at the border of Wilsonia. It indicates, their might be a werewolf or _____ in the village. It's not the first time something like this has happened in Wilsonia and it won't be the last unless you catch and kill the werewolf.
(If a time limit is needed:)
You have 5 minutes to decide who you think it might be. You have to have a majority vote to kill the suspected werewolf. If you haven't gotten a majority vote by the end of the 5 minutes, no one dies and the werewolves are free to hunt again.
The villagers have decided to kill _______ as a suspected werewolf.
________ please reveal your role card.
The villagers have decided not to kill anyone. Maybe it was just a regular wolf who killed all that cattle.
You have killed an innocent.
You have killed a werewolf.
(Continue alternating through "Night Phase 2" and "Day Phase 3" until there are not enough human players left in the game to make getting a majority vote to kill a werewolf a possibility. For example, 3 humans and 3 werewolves left would not be enough humans left to get a majority vote to kill a werewolf in the day phase, so werewolves [or possibly zombies] would win. It will never become clear if the zombies have won until the end of the game, when the moderator reveals the number of people who have been killed while bearing the zombie curse. In the example where the game ends because there are 3 humans and 3 werewolves remaining, if after the game ends, it was revealed that four people were killed who had the zombie curse--zombies win.)
Definition-someone who teaches the ABCs.
Quirk-must sing everyone to sleep at the beginning of each night round.
Definition-someone who tried to change base metals into noble metals, and/or discover immortality.
Quirk-must preface every statement with, “look, I’m a scientist”.
Ale Conner
Definition-someone whose job it was to ensure the quality of the bread and ale
Quirk-must hiccup randomly during the day rounds.
Definition-a female brewer who kept an alehouse
Quirk-must keep looking at their watch or wrist if they’re not wearing a watch.
Belly builder
Definition-someone who builds the body of a piano
Quirk-must silently play piano on the table during the day rounds.
Definition-someone who makes longbows
Quirk-must tip their hat or pretend to tip their hat before they speak.
Definition-a person who made wooden tubs or barrels
Quirk-must pretend to be shooting a basket every time they accuse someone of being a werewolf.
Definition-someone who sold fruit and vegetables on the street
Quirk-must keep right hand balled into a fist for the entire game.
Cup bearer
Definition-someone who would pour drinks for royals
Quirk-when someone else drinks, they must take a drink. If they don’t have a drink they must pretend.
Dripping Man
Definition-collected and sold animal drippings
Quirk-whenever it is announced that someone has died, they must announce that they’d really like to see that.
Definition-someone who brought heated water for bathtubs to nobles
Quirk-must squint their eyes every time someone else speaks.
Definition-someone who farted for others' entertainment.
Quirk-must randomly make fart noises.
Definition-a person who makes gallows
Quirk-before you speak, look at the moderator and run your finger across your throat.
Definition-an executioner
Quirk-smiles anytime someone mentions death
Definition-a wandering street performer
Quirk-if they are killed, they must do a performance before they die.
Definition-someone who woke people up by throwing pebbles at their windows.
Quirk-must keep looking up
Knock knobbler
Definition-a person who caught stray dogs
Quirk-before they speak, they must knock twice on the table
Definition-someone who gathered filth and trash
Quirk-must make eye contact with the people to your left and right before speaking.
Definition-someone who scavenged for items in the riverside looking for things to sell
Quirk-anything slightly sad makes them cry.
Nob Thatcher
Definition-a wigmaker
Quirk-must let everyone know they really love their hair.
Definition-the person whose job it was to remember everyone's name
Quirk-must call everyone by name, right or wron
Master of Revels
Definition-a person who was in charge of festivities
Quirk-must deliver every comment as a joke and laugh at their own joke.
Definition-a person who made hats and headwear
Quirk-is itchy
Definition-a snake oil salesman, seller of fake medicine
Quirk-you want money in exchange for information
Definition-someone who took care of horses.
Quirk-must shake their hair before they speak.
Definition-a traveling salesperson
Quirk-during the 3rd daytime round, they must pick up something that doesn’t belong to them and auction it off.
Definition-someone who managed an estate or farm. could also be a carpenter.
Quirk-must keep reminding people that they know the king
Definition-artisan, carving bone, ivory, wood, etc.
Definition-an assistant bartender
Quirk-can't stop touching their hair
Definition-a person selling food or other provisions
Quirk-everybody looks too thin
Water Scriger
Definition-a doctor who prescribes remedies based on the color of his/her patient's "water"
Quirk-clap softly every time someone takes a drink
Definition- an officer who went before an army or procession to clear the way by blowing a horn or trumpet
Quirk-When someone delivers bad news, they must point their thumb down and whistle.
Woolen Billy Piecer
Definition-a person who pieced together broken yarns
Quirk-must keep their hands pressed together in prayer
Definition-the art of making engravings on wood especially for printing
Quirk-can only communicate through gestures
Definition-one who is skilled in fermenting
Quirk-must burp before speaking
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